Promoting Democracy
Supporting Pro-Democracy Activists
Fighting Suppression - Increasing Voting
Arizona Pro-Democracy Organizations

ArizonaArizona Democrats have a real shot at electing a Governor who will stand up for democracy and get serious about our most critical challenges, but this opportunity could be wasted if we don’t turn out Democratic voters in 2022. Republican Governor Doug Ducey cannot run for re-election, and flipping the Arizona Governor’s office is a major opportunity. At the same time, Democratic incumbent Senator Mark Kelly will be up for re-election, and the need to defend him could not be clearer.

After enduring years of efforts by Republicans to make it more difficult to vote and to rig the electoral process to their advantage, Arizona’s pro-democracy voting activists are today fighting voter suppression and for the right to vote without facing barriers created intentionally, such as forcing people to wait many hours in line to cast their ballots.

The more than 130 Arizona organizations listed on the pages linked below do many different things, but they share a commitment to promoting civic engagement and voter participation. With their roots in local communities, these groups can be difference-makers. Many are now preparing to focus on voter registration and voter turnout efforts for the 2022 election. In this wealth of democratic ferment, everyone can find a group to help, a donation that feels right, or a volunteering role into which that can comfortably fit. Please do as much as you can.

Voting Activist Organizations & Groups

Arizona Chapters of National Pro-Democracy Organizations

Independent Arizona Grassroots Pro-Democracy Organizations

Serving Underrepresented & Marginalized Voters

Serving Women Voters

Serving Student & Youth Voters

League of Women Voters Arizona Chapters

Indivisible Arizona Chapters

Media on Arizona Politics

Voting In Arizona

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