Promoting Democracy
Supporting Pro-Democracy Activists
Pennsylvania Chapters of National
Pro-Democracy Organizations

In addition to the groups listed below, several of our other Pennsylvania pages also incorporate some state chapters of national organizations. These include our Pennsylvania pages for Women, for Underrepresented Groups, and for Students and Youth Voters. Our Pennsylvania pages for the League of Women Voters and Indivisible include chapters of those organizations within Pennsylvania.

Activate America: Pennsylvania

Social Media: facebook twitter instagram
Activate America Pennsylvania’s focus, electing Democrats to the US Senate and House of Representatives, involves working with local, state and national organizations to direct volunteers to where they can do the most good. They do postcarding, phonebanking, texting, and canvassing, and they conduct virtual training, which allows volunteers to engage on their own schedules.
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ACLU: Pennsylvania

ALL On The Line: Pennsylvania

All Voting is Local: Pennsylvania

America Votes Pennsylvania

The Climate Reality Project: Philadelphia & Southeastern Pennsylvania

Common Cause: Pennsylvania

League of Conservation Voters: Pennsylvania

Local Berniecrats – Pennsylvania

March On Harrisburg

Movement Voter Project: Pennsylvania

National Popular Vote: Pennsylvania

Progressive Democrats of America: Pennsylvania

Progressive Democrats of America: Philly

Progressive Democrats of America: Steel Valley

Public Interest Research Group: Pennsylvania

Represent.US Pennsylvania

Spread The Vote: Pennsylvania

Swing Left – Pennsylvania

Vote Save America: Pennsylvania

Working Families Party: Pennsylvania

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